Laser Engraving Glass and Crystal Laser Engraving:

Laser engraving crystal and Laser engraving glass creates extraordinarily elegant text and patterns on objects. Compared to the traditional ways, laser engraving glass and crystal is an excellent choice due to the fact that it is quicker and more precise, as well as the fact that glass and crystal both do not turn gaseous easily.


How it works:

The second a laser touches either the glass or crystal, it fractures, allowing the natural grains to be exposed from the pores in the surface and separate a chip, that is microscopically sized, from the surface, due to the fact that the hot piece expands to its surroundings.

Try avoiding to fill large areas of the glass, simply because the engraving can become uneven if it expands too much. Laser engraved crystal and glass is a great choice when it comes to engraving objects.  


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